Restaurante Benazuza
Cancún, Mexico
Cancún, Mexico
Restaurante Benazuza
General Inquiries
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Cancún, Mexico
Restaurante Benazuza
Benazuza is a gastronomic restaurant opened by the Oasis Hotels Resorts.
Since 2011 in which we look forward to capture and share our working philosophy, respect for the product, the Mayan culture and the Mexican cuisine of each region of the country, our clear objective is to make people taste a little bit of Mexico, we do so by serving dishes from some of the 32 states in Mexico.
At Benazuza the format chosen to share our cuisine is the tasting menu, in which we serve between 18 and 22 courses, we truly seek to provoke, surprise, to feel irony, memories through flavours, technique and execution.
Benazuza is our way of sharing the gastronomic heritage of our country, of which we are extremely proud.
We know that Without tradition there is no innovation, so we seek through our research team to know in depth classic Mexican recipes, understand them and share them with a new vision and perspective.
Features & Facilities
- Mexican Cuisine
- Tasting Menu
- Modern Gastronomy